The types of personal information acquired from customers/enquirers that are shared with MLAP, its affiliated companies and representative agencies are listed below.
Personal data shared
Organization name
Telephone number
E-mail address
Inquiry history
Recipients of personal data
MLAP’s affiliated companies
Representative agencies
Purposes of sharing
Process customer/enquirer requests
Implement contract entered into between MLAP and its dealers
Contact customer
Information publicity regarding MLAP and its affiliated companies exhibitions, seminars, products, services, etc.
Feedback for development/production
Personal information acquired from cooperative enterprises (including vendors, contract manufacturers, various service providers, etc.) may be shared with MLAP and its affiliates businesses. This information is handled as follows.
Personal data shared
Organization name
Telephone number
E-mail address
Transaction history
Recipients of personal data
MLAP’s affiliated companies
Representative agencies
Purpose of sharing
Sharing of transaction information within MLAP and its affiliates